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The liberation tigers of Tamil Eelam
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are a guerilla/terrorist group representing the minority Tamil community, fighting for an Eelam, or homeland in the northern and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Led by V. Pirabhakaran, the group started as a small forty to fifty man outfit in the early 1980s, but has since grown to an organization of several thousand. A unique, if macabre feature of its tactics has been the use of suicide commandos, both men and women, some in their early teens, for individual assassination as well as mass attacks. A former Indian prime minister, a Sri Lankan president, and several top aides have been targeted and killed in this way. The LTTE has not hesitated to kill prominent Sinhala civilians. Between 1987 and 1990 LTTE fought the Indian Army, which was sent to disarm it as part of an Indian-Sri Lankan agreement. After the Indian pullout in 1990, the organization used a suicide bomber to carry out the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Thereafter Indian authorities unravelled a well-organized network of safe houses, supporters, and logistics depots in Tamil Nadu. India maintains a strict naval cordon sanitate around the area of conflict, which shows no signs of abating. Read more...
The liberation tigers of Tamil Eelam
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are a guerilla/terrorist group representing the minority Tamil community, fighting for an Eelam, or homeland in the northern and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Led by V. Pirabhakaran, the group started as a small forty to fifty man outfit in the early 1980s, but has since grown to an organization of several thousand. A unique, if macabre feature of its tactics has been the use of suicide commandos, both men and women, some in their early teens, for individual assassination as well as mass attacks. A former Indian prime minister, a Sri Lankan president, and several top aides have been targeted and killed in this way. The LTTE has not hesitated to kill prominent Sinhala civilians. Between 1987 and 1990 LTTE fought the Indian Army, which was sent to disarm it as part of an Indian-Sri Lankan agreement. After the Indian pullout in 1990, the organization used a suicide bomber to carry out the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Thereafter Indian authorities unravelled a well-organized network of safe houses, supporters, and logistics depots in Tamil Nadu. India maintains a strict naval cordon sanitate around the area of conflict, which shows no signs of abating.
Read more...The Struggle for Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka
Regionalism has commonly been expected to dissolve as a consequence of the administrative regional penetration of the centralized modern state and the homogenizing forces associated with modernization. This mode of reasoning has reappeared recently among authors who see globalization as a universal force that will eradicate regional economic inequalities, local identities and regional political mobilization. Contrary to these expectations, regional autonomy movements continue to play a central political role within many states. Consequently, it remains an important analytical challenge to understand the construction and politicization of regional interests.Against this background, the article presents a critical interpretation and contextual analysis of Tamil separatism in Sri Lanka. It is argued that studies of nationalist movements should seek inspiration in the contemporary dialog between three main perspectives on social movements (theories of new social movements, resource mobilization theories, and theories of collective identity) and a corresponding three-dimensional understanding of place (location, locale, and sense of place). The paper shows how nationalist mobilization cannot be reduced to essentialist notions of primordial nations, territorial nation-states, or internal colonialism, but instead should be understood as the outcome of cultural and political practices by a multitude of actors, operating in time- and place-specific contexts

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